Archives for posts with tag: Red Oak Development

Is allowing up to 80 dwelling units per acre appropriate?

Matthew Leslie

From Friends for a Livable Fullerton need your signature by the end of Tuesday, February 21!


“Petition Circulators are at 

Stater Bros on Euclid and 
Ralph’s on Harbor
now until 6 pm Sunday

Stop Overdevelopment by signing the referendum petition that requires the City Council to either repeal or put to Fullerton Voters the General Plan land use change they approved on 1/17 to Urban Center Mixed Use at the old Mullahey/Cone Chevrolet.

Allowing up to 80 dwelling units per acre (1, 2, &3 bedroom units) at this site is inconsistent with the neighborhood and will cause more traffic especially on Commonwealth and Euclid.

Enough! Stop Overdevelopment of Fullerton. 

Protect our little piece of paradise today. SIGN!”


UPDATE: There will NOT be petition signers in front of Stater Brothers this weekend. Go to Ralph’s on Harbor Blvd. to sign, or Lolo’s Boutique, below…

Matthew Leslie

From Friends for a Livable Fullerton
“Starting Thursday, Feb. 9, the all-volunteer petition circulators will be at the following locations for voters registered to vote in Fullerton to sign the petition to put a stop to one more high density project in our town!

Stater Bros on Euclid: 8am to 6pm
Ralph’s on Harbor: 8am to 6pm

Lolo’s a Boutique at the Villa del Sol 305 N Harbor:
Weekdays: 11 am to 7pm
Weekends: 11 am to 5pm

For more information and to help circulate the petition contact Friends for a Livable Fullerton
Phone: (714) 729-3019


Click the link below to read the Red Oak General Plan Petition

The link below is to the petition to overturn the General Plan revision that would allow the two properties where the Red Oak project would be built to be changed from “Commercial” and “Industrial,” respectively, to “Urban Mixed Use.”
