Archives for posts with tag: Friends for a Livable Fullerton

Is allowing up to 80 dwelling units per acre appropriate?

Matthew Leslie

From Friends for a Livable Fullerton need your signature by the end of Tuesday, February 21!


“Petition Circulators are at 

Stater Bros on Euclid and 
Ralph’s on Harbor
now until 6 pm Sunday

Stop Overdevelopment by signing the referendum petition that requires the City Council to either repeal or put to Fullerton Voters the General Plan land use change they approved on 1/17 to Urban Center Mixed Use at the old Mullahey/Cone Chevrolet.

Allowing up to 80 dwelling units per acre (1, 2, &3 bedroom units) at this site is inconsistent with the neighborhood and will cause more traffic especially on Commonwealth and Euclid.

Enough! Stop Overdevelopment of Fullerton. 

Protect our little piece of paradise today. SIGN!”


Area residents filled the council chambers earlier this month to express their alarm about the oversized buildings planned for 600 W. Commonwealth Ave.

Friends for a Livable Fullerton has launched an effort to reverse the decision by the Fullerton City Council to amend the city’s General Plan to allow for unwarranted Urban Mixed Use designation at the site of 600 W. Commonwealth. Red Oak Investments of Irvine is attempting to build 295 apartment units on the site, in two structures with combined square footage of over 600,000 square feet. Although neighbors complained that the plan does not include enough resident parking, and is out of character with the area and too large, the Fullerton City Council (with Bruce Whitaker dissenting) approved a radical upzoning of the site, allowing more than twice the density of residents anticipated in the city’s General Plan.

FFLF is asking for your help to keep Fullerton a livable city:

“We have  a lot to do in  a very short time! We are circulating an official petition to overturn the City Council’s approval of the Red Oak High-Density Apartments!

 How to Help:

  1. We urgently need “circulators” to gather signatures for our Red Oak referendum!You must be a registered voter in the City of Fullerton.
  1. Call or e-mail us TODAY or TOMORROW with your phone and address as we are on  a very tight deadline. You can gather signatures at a store or walk a neighborhood. We will sign you up and deliver a petition and a simple training.
  1. Tell your friends and neighbors in person, e-mail and Facebook. The best thing they can do is sign and circulate our petition, too. 
  1. Call or e-mail us to donate to cover our legal expenses in preparing the referendum (not tax-deductible).”

Phone:   (714) 729-3019




The proposed Red Oak Investments project, seen from Drake Ave., looking south.

Friends for a Livable Fullerton (FFLF) is hosting a free informational community meeting about the so-called Red Oak Project at the Fullerton Public Library’s Osborne Auditorium, 353 W Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton, at 7 pm on Monday, January 9, 2017.

As the Rag reported last October, The Fullerton Planning Commission approved the 610,182 square foot, 295-unit, 4 story mixed-use development on September 28, 2016 in a split 4 to 3 vote, despite opposition from nearby residents. At least two of the dissenting commissioners cited a lack of adequate parking as a reason for voting against the project (although it should be noted that one of them, Commissioner Larry Bennett, was running for Fullerton City Council at the time). The Planning Commission’s approval included a Zone Change, a General Plan Revision, a Major Site Plan and a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the former auto dealership site located on the 600 block of West Commonwealth Ave.

The high-density residential and retail development is scheduled to be heard by the Fullerton City Council on Tuesday, January 17. The council should consider mounting opposition to this and similar proposals to add more traffic to the city’s already overburdened streets without providing any additional public transportation for residents. Simply locating housing near a train station does not guarantee that residents will commute by train or bus .The council should also pay close attention to the scale of this project compared to the existing older houses next to it.

For additional information about the project and the meeting  visit,email, or call 714-729-3019.

The Red Oak project will be available for review 72 hours prior to the January 17, 2017 Public Hearing. The Environmental Documents and Presentations from the Study Session and Planning Commission Public Hearing in September 2016 are currently available on the City’s website at the following link: